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Rule 613

Rule 613: Procedures of an Inquiry Panel

Section Judicial Conduct
(a)   Generally. In addition to the powers expressly granted by these rules, an Inquiry Panel has all powers necessary to institute, conduct, and dispose of proceedings.

(b)   Inquiry Panel Meetings. An Inquiry Panel (either Panel A or Panel B) meets every month if there are complaints or other matters to be considered.

(1)   The Inquiry Panel will:

(A)   consider all complaints assigned to the panel;

(B)   consider all actions taken by the Secretary;

(C)   take action on all complaints assigned to the panel; and

(D)   provide a copy of the complaint to the judge when a response is requested from the judge.

(2)   The Inquiry Panel may:

(A)   direct the Secretary to request a response from the judge;

(B)   ask the Secretary to obtain additional documents or information from the complainant or other sources;

(C)   direct the Secretary to refer the matter to the Examiner; or

(D)   stay a complaint.

(3)   The Inquiry Panel will not:

(A)   hold a public hearing;

(B)   interview or take testimony from complainants or other interested persons or witnesses; or

(C)   discuss its proceedings with Hearing Panel members.

(c)   Decisions by an Inquiry Panel. An Inquiry Panel may make one of the dispositions set forth in Rule 614(b) or 614A.

(d)   Copies or Notice Provided by an Inquiry Panel. Notice of disposition will be provided under Rule 607(h). In the panel’s discretion, it may provide a copy of a judge’s response to the complainant.  

(e)   Requests for Reconsideration. Initial requests for reconsideration will be submitted to the Inquiry Panel assigned the complaint. The panel will reconsider the matter. After reconsideration, the panel may affirm a prior decision or request further information or additional investigation.  The Inquiry Panel has no duty to consider subsequent requests for reconsideration.

[History: New rule adopted effective May 1, 2019.]

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