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Rule 6.07

Rule 6.07: Format for Briefs

Section Appellate Practice
(a)   Text; Footnotes; Reproduction.

(1)   Text. Text must be printed in a conventional style font not smaller than 12 point with no more than 12 characters per inch. The suggested size and fonts include 13 point in Times New Roman, Book Antigua, Century Schoolbook, and Palatino Linotype. Text, excluding pagination, must not exceed 6½ inches by 9 inches. All text must be double-spaced except block quotations and footnotes which may be single-spaced.

(2)   Footnotes. Footnotes should be avoided, but, if footnotes are absolutely necessary, every footnote must commence on the same page as the text to which it relates.

(3)   Reproduction. A brief may be reproduced by any process that yields a clear black image on white paper. The paper must be opaque and unglazed. Only one side of the paper may be used.

(b)   Brief Cover; Color and Content.

(1)   The cover of any brief must be white.

(2)   The cover of a brief must contain the following:

(A)   the appellate court docket number in the following form: [two-digit year in which the case was docketed]-[six-digit assigned case number without a comma]-[“A” for Court of Appeals or “S” for Supreme Court] (Example: 16-999999-A);


(C)   the caption of the case as it appeared in the district court, except that a party must be identified not only as a plaintiff or defendant but also as an appellant or appellee;

(D)   the title of the document, e.g., “Brief of Appellant” or “Brief of Appellee,” etc.;

(E)   the words “Appeal from the District Court of _____________ County, Honorable _________________, Judge, District Court Case No. ____________”;

(F)   the name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and attorney registration number of one attorney for each party on whose behalf the brief is submitted. An attorney may be shown as being of a named firm. Additional attorneys joining in the brief must not be shown on the cover but may be added at the conclusion of the brief; and

(G)   when additional time for oral argument is requested in the Supreme Court under Rule 7.01(e) or in the Court of Appeals under Rule 7.02(f), the words “oral argument:” must be printed on the lower right portion of the brief cover, followed by the desired amount of time.

(c)   Page Limitation. Unless the court orders otherwise, the length of briefs—excluding the cover, table of contents, appendix, and certificate of service—may not exceed the following:

(1)   Brief of an Appellant – 50 pages;

(2)   Brief of an Appellee – 50 pages;

(3)   Brief of an Appellee and Cross-Appellant – 60 pages;

(4)   Brief of an Appellee and Cross-Appellee – 60 pages;

(5)   Brief of a Cross-Appellee – 25 pages;

(6)   Reply Brief – 15 pages; and

(7)   Brief of an Amicus Curiae – 15 pages.

(d)   Motion to Exceed Page Limitation. A motion to exceed a page limitation in subsection (c) must be submitted prior to submission of the brief and must include a specific total page request. The court may rule on the motion without waiting for a response from any other party.

(e)   Abbreviated Briefs. The appellate court hearing a matter may order briefs to be abbreviated in content or format.

(f)   Acceptance for Filing. A brief that does not conform substantially with the provisions of this rule will not be accepted for filing.
[History: Am. effective September 1, 1989; Am. effective February 8, 1994; Am. (a) effective July 1, 1997; Am. (g) effective May 12, 2004; Am. effective September 6, 2005; Restyled rule effective July 1, 2012; Am. effective December 19, 2016.]

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