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Constitution Day

Every September 17, America celebrates Constitution Day. It was on this day in 1787 that the Founding Fathers signed the U.S. Constitution.

Constitution Day reading 

Chief Justice Marla Luckert invited her colleagues in the judicial branch, the legal community, and members of the public to join a celebration of Constitution Day at the Kansas Judicial Center. The event featured a reading of the U.S. Constitution.

Photographs from Constitution reading
Read the news release 

Why we celebrate Constitution Day 

When we celebrate Constitution Day, we are reminded of the vision our founders had for the United States at its formation. This includes a representative form of government with three equal branches, each with a distinct role: 

  • the legislative branch, which makes laws; 

  • the executive branch, which carries out and enforces laws; and

  • the judicial branch, which interprets and applies laws.

The Kansas Constitution is modeled after our U.S. Constitution. 

Constitution Day events nationally

How well do you know the U.S. Constitution? 


Where to learn about the U.S. Constitution 

Resources for students:

Resources for teachers:


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