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TOPEKA—The5th Judicial District Nominating Commission will meet at 9 a.m. Thursday, August 11, to interview nominees to fill a district judge vacancy.   
The vacancy will be created when Chief Judge Merlin Wheeler retires September 3.    
The 5th Judicial District is composed of Chase and Lyon counties.     
Interview schedule     
9:15 a.m.     
Jeremy Dorsey, Emporia, legal counsel, Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services 
9:45 a.m.     
Laura Miser, Emporia, assistant county attorney, Lyon County Attorney's Office 
10:30 a.m.     
Elizabeth Oliver, Ottawa, county attorney, Anderson County Attorney’s Office; attorney, Oliver Law Office; and adjunct instructor, Neosho County Community College   
11 a.m.      
Douglas Jones, Cottonwood Falls, district magistrate judge, 5th Judicial District; and municipal court judge in Cottonwood Falls  
Public interviews     
Interviews are open to the public. They will take place at:   
Lyon County Courthouse  
Room 201  
420 Commercial St.   
Emporia, KS   
ADA accommodation     
Any person with a disability who requires accommodation to access the nominating commission meeting should notify the judicial branch ADA coordinator as early as possible:     
ADA Coordinator   
TTY at 711     
Eligibility requirements    
A nominee for district judge must be:    

  • at least 30 years old;

  • a lawyer admitted to practice in Kansas and engaged in the practice of law for at least five years, whether as a lawyer, judge, or full-time teacher at an accredited law school; and

  •  resident of the 5th Judicial District at the time of taking office and while holding office. 

Nominees to governor    
The nominating commission will interview nominees and then select from three to five people for the vacancy whose names will be submitted to the governor to fill the position according to statutory qualification and residency requirements. The governor has 60 days after receiving the names to decide whom to appoint.    
Term of office    
After serving one year in office, the new judge must stand for a retention vote in the next general election to remain in the position. If retained, the incumbent will serve a four-year term.    
Nominating commission     
The 5th Judicial District Nominating Commission consists of Supreme Court Justice Melissa Standridge as the nonvoting chair; Leigh Ann Crofoot of Cottonwood Falls; Greg Bachman, Michael Helbert, Deanne Korsak, and Robert Symmonds, of Emporia; Cynthia Hoedel of Matfield Green; Stephen Atherton of Olpe; and Charles Rayl of Strong City. 

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