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TOPEKA—The 11th Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking nominations to fill a district magistrate judge vacancy created when Judge Samuel Marsh retires December 31.  

The 11th Judicial District is composed of Cherokee, Crawford, and Labette counties. 

Justice Evelyn Wilson, the Supreme Court departmental justice responsible for the 11th Judicial District, said individuals can apply or be nominated, but nominations must be made in writing on the 11th Judicial District's official nomination form and include the nominee's signature.  

Eligibility requirements 

Kansas law requires that this district magistrate judge be: 

  • a resident of Cherokee County at the time of taking office and while holding office; 

  • a graduate of a high school, a secondary school, or the equivalent; and 

  • either a lawyer admitted to practice in Kansas or able to pass an examination to become certified within 18 months. 

Nomination process 

NOTE: The official nomination form has been updated since the last vacancy. 

Nominations must be accompanied by the updated nomination form available from the clerk of the district court in Cherokee, Crawford, or Labette counties, or the clerk of the appellate courts in the Kansas Judicial Center in Topeka.  

Those who recently applied to the district judge vacancy in the 11th Judicial District may apply for this position by sending a letter of intent to Justice Wilson, accompanied by a newly executed authorization. The successful nominee for the district judge position should withdraw their application for the magistrate judge.  

One original and seven copies of the completed nomination form and supporting letters must be received by noon Thursday, December 30, in paper format only, to:  

Justice Evelyn Wilson 
Kansas Judicial Center 
301 SW 10th Ave. 
Topeka, KS  66612-1507 

Interviews and appointment 

The nominating commission will convene at 9 a.m. Thursday, January 27, 2022, with interviews starting at 9:30 a.m. Interviews will be in person in the main courtroom of the Cherokee County Courthouse. Interviews are open to the public.  


Any person with a disability who requires accommodation to access the nominating commission meeting should notify the judicial branch ADA coordinator as early as possible: 
ADA Coordinator
TTY at 711 

Term of office 

After serving one year in office, the magistrate judge must stand for a retention vote in the next general election to remain in the position. If retained, the incumbent will serve a four-year term. 

Nominating commission 

The 11th Judicial District Nominating Commission consists of Justice Evelyn Wilson as the nonvoting chair; Sara Beezley, Pittsburg; James Cook, Parsons; William Shane Adamson, Parsons; John Lehman, Girard; Judge Oliver Lynch, Baxter Springs; and Angela Rippel, Scammon.

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