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TOPEKA — Chief Justice Marla Luckert reappointed Jerome Hellmer, a retired judge, to the Kansas Government Ethics Commission.

Hellmer’s term runs through January 2022.

Hellmer has served on the ethics commission since his January 2015 retirement as chief judge of the 28th Judicial District, which is composed of Saline and Ottawa counties. He had served as a district court judge since 1996 and chief judge since 2011. Before he was appointed judge, Hellmer practiced law in Salina for 22 years.

The nine-member Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission is charged with administering, interpreting and enforcing the state's Campaign Finance Act and laws relating to conflicts of interest, financial disclosure, and lobbying regulation. These laws establish the public’s right to information about the financial affairs of Kansas’ public officials, lobbyists, and candidates for office. The commission also renders advisory opinions and can adopt rules and regulations under a less comprehensive conflict-of-interest law covering local government officials and employees.

The chief justice appoints one member of the commission. The governor appoints two members, and the secretary of state, attorney general, Senate president, House speaker, Senate minority leader, and House minority leader each appoint a member.

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