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TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court reappointed five people to two-year terms on the Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee.

The committee, formed in 2016 at the direction of the Kansas Legislature, reviews and oversees improvements to the juvenile justice system in the state. Membership includes representation from all three branches of government.

The Supreme Court appointees are:

  • District Judge Delia York, serving in the 29th Judicial District, composed of Wyandotte County.

  • District Magistrate Judge Paula Hofaker, serving in Phillips County of the 17th District, also composed of Decatur, Graham, Norton, Osborne, and Smith counties.

  • Kevin Emerson, chief court services officer for the 28th Judicial District, composed of Ottawa and Saline counties.

  • Lara Blake Bors, Garden City, a juvenile defense attorney.

  • Amy Raymond, director of trial courts programs, Office of Judicial Administration, Kansas judicial branch.

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