March 2018 News Releases

Longtime judge to serve as honorary bailiff for Kansas Supreme Court
TOPEKA—Judge Jack Burr has overseen countless trials in his 40 years on the bench, but he will be doing something new when the Kansas Supreme Court comes to Colby.Burr was selected to be the honorary bailiff at the special session of the Supreme Court, which starts at 6:30 p.m. CDT April 9 in the Colby High School Auditorium."That's ...
4th Judicial District Nominating Commission seeks nominees for Osage County district magistrate judge
TOPEKA — The 4th Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking nominations to fill a district magistrate judge vacancy in Osage County.The former district magistrate judge, Taylor J. Wine, was appointed district judge and chief judge of the 4th Judicial District, which is composed of Anderson, Coffey, Franklin, and Osage counties.Justice ...
Anne McDonald receives Johnson County Bar Association’s 2018 Justinian Award for Professional Excellence
TOPEKA — Anne McDonald, executive director of the Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program, received the Johnson County Bar Association’s Justinian Award at its annual conference March 7.The Justinian Award is the premier award for members of the Johnson County Bar Association and is presented annually to attorneys who have exemplified ...
Supreme Court announces cases for April 9 special session at Colby High School
TOPEKA — The Kansas Supreme Court announced the two cases it will hear in a special session Monday, April 9, at Colby High School, the next destination in the court's ongoing outreach to familiarize Kansans with the high court, its work, and the overall role of the Kansas judiciary.The court will be in session from 6:30 p.m. to about 8 p ...
Taylor J. Wine appointed chief judge of 4th Judicial District
TOPEKA — Chief Justice Lawton R. Nuss announced today the Supreme Court has appointed Judge Taylor J. Wine as chief judge of the 4th Judicial District, effective through December 31, 2019.Wine was appointed a district judge in January to succeed Judge Phillip Fromme, who retired. Fromme had served as chief judge of the 4th Judicial District ...
Chief Judge Peggy Carr Kittel to sit with Kansas Supreme Court on March 6
TOPEKA — Chief Judge Peggy Carr Kittel of the 7th Judicial District has been appointed to sit with the Kansas Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in one case on the court's March 6 docket. After hearing oral arguments, Kittel will join Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and decision drafting.“I am pleased that Chief ...
Chief justice receives award from Sons of the American Revolution chapters
TOPEKA — Chief Justice Lawton Nuss of the Kansas Supreme Court received the Silver Good Citizenship Medal from the Kansas City Area Chapters of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution during the group's 32nd annual George Washington Birthday Celebration.Nuss also was the guest speaker at the February 24 celebration at ...