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TOPEKA—District Magistrate Judge Douglas Bigge was elected the new president of the Kansas District Magistrate Judges Association.

The organization, open to all state district magistrate court judges, elected officers to serve in the fiscal year that begins July 1. Officers were elected at a statewide conference for judges conducted in Topeka.

Judge Bigge was elected magistrate judge in 1996 to serve Rooks County, which is part of the 23rd Judicial District. He graduated from Fort Hays State University with a degree in history and has attended the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada, which certifies nonattorneys who are elected or appointed judges.

Judge Bigge founded Seatbelt Awareness Days for preschoolers through sixth-graders in Rooks County schools, and he is a leader for the Eager Beaver 4-H Club. He and his wife, Kori, have a daughter Kourtney.

Other officers elected were:

  • District Magistrate Judge Taylor Wine, re-elected first vice president. He serves in Osage County in the 4th Judicial District.

  • District Magistrate Judge Marty K. Clark, second vice president. He serves in Russell County in the 20th Judicial District.

  • District Magistrate Judge Brendan Boone, third vice president. He serves in Gove County in the 23rd Judicial District.

  • District Magistrate Judge Debra Anderson, re-elected secretary. She serves in Norton County in the 17th Judicial District.

  • District Magistrate Judge Roseanna Mathis, re-elected treasurer. She serves in Kingman County in the 30th Judicial District

Elected to the board of directors were District Magistrate Judge Richard McVey of Kiowa County in the 16th Judicial District; District Magistrate Judge Blaine A. Carter of Wabaunsee County in the 2nd Judicial District; and District Magistrate Judge Jay E. Tate of Decatur County in the 17th Judicial District.

Outgoing president is District Magistrate Judge Kenton Gleason. He serves in Hodgeman County in the 24th Judicial District.

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