April 2017 News Releases

Chief Judge Dickinson of 9th judicial district to sit with Kansas Supreme Court May 3
TOPEKA — Chief Judge Joe Dickinson of the 9th judicial district has been appointed to sit with the Kansas Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in one case on the court's 9 a.m. docket Wednesday, May 3.     After hearing oral arguments, Dickinson will join Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and opinion drafting ...
New attorneys take state and federal oaths in April 28 ceremony
TOPEKA — Successful applicants to the February 2017 Kansas bar examination will be sworn in as Kansas attorneys in one of two ceremonies at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Friday, April 28, in the Supreme Court courtroom at the Kansas Judicial Center, 301 SW 10th Avenue, in Topeka.      Chief Justice Lawton Nuss will preside over ...
10th Judicial District Nominating Commission to interview candidates for district magistrate judge
TOPEKA—The 10th Judicial District Nominating Commission selected six attorneys to interivew to fill a district magistrate judge vacancy in Johnson County created by the May 2017 retirement of Judge Michael H. Farley.  The attorneys selected are: Jenifer Ashford Christopher Kopecky Alex McCauley Wayne Smith  ...
Kansas Court of Appeals to hear oral arguments April 18 at Washburn University School of Law
TOPEKA— A three-judge panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments April 18 in Robinson Courtroom of Washburn University School of Law in Topeka.Judge David Bruns will be joined by Judges Stephen Hill and Kim Schroeder to hear oral arguments in six cases. Three will be heard starting at 9:30 a.m. and the remaining three ...