September 2016 News Releases

Local court services officer to be honorary bailiff at Supreme Court special session
TOPEKA—Ruth Lloyd has worked for the Kansas judicial branch for 38 years, but she will try something new when she serves as honorary bailiff for the Kansas Supreme Court when it convenes for a special session at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 4, in the B.J. Warner Recital Hall at Hutchinson Community College."This will be totally new for me, ...
New attorneys take state and federal oaths in September 30 ceremony
TOPEKA — Successful applicants to the July 2016 Kansas bar examination will be sworn in as Kansas attorneys in one ceremony at 10 a.m. Friday, September 30, at the Topeka Performing Arts Center, 214 SE 8th Avenue, Topeka, KS.Chief Justice Lawton Nuss will preside over the Kansas Supreme Court and Judge Daniel Crabtree will represent the U.S ...
Judge Segarra of 8th judicial district invited to sit with Kansas Supreme Court September 12
TOPEKA — Judge Maritza Segarra of the 8th judicial district was appointed to sit with the Kansas Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in one case on the court's docket Monday, September 12.After hearing oral arguments, Segarra joined Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and opinion drafting."I am pleased that Judge Segarra ...
Kansas Court of Appeals to commemorate Constitution Day with session at Wichita State University
TOPEKA—A three-judge panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals will hear seven cases September 20 at Wichita State University as part of the court's observance of Constitution Day.The court will hear cases in two sessions at beginning at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in the Campus Activity Center Theatre.Judges Stephen D. Hill, Michael B. Buser and ...
Judge McCarville of 27th judicial district invited to sit with Kansas Supreme Court September 12
TOPEKA — Judge Joseph McCarville III of the 27th judicial district was appointed to sit with the Kansas Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in one case on the court's docket Monday, September 12.After hearing oral arguments, McCarville joined Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and will continue to collaborate with them ...
Kansas Court of Appeals to commemorate Constitution Day with session at K-State
TOPEKA—A three-judge panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals will hear four cases September 20 at the Kansas State University Student Union as part of the court's observance of Constitution Day.The court will hear cases at 9:30 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Forum Hall.Judges Henry W. Green Jr., Patrick D. McAnany and Melissa Taylor ...
Peggy Carr Kittel new chief judge of 7th judicial district
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Lawton R. Nuss announced today that Judge Peggy Carr Kittel has been appointed chief judge of the 7th judicial district to replace Chief Judge Robert Fairchild, who retires today.Chief judge appointments are for two-year terms that begin January 1 in even-numbered years. Kittel's appointment will end December 31, 2017 ...
Supreme Court adopts rule to allow attorneys married to military personnel stationed in Kansas to temporarily practice law without taking state bar exam
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court has adopted a rule that allows attorneys living in Kansas who are spouses of military service members stationed here to temporarily practice law without taking the state-administered uniform bar exam.The rule takes effect September 15."Spouses of military personnel often make tremendous career sacrifices ...
Supreme Court announces cases for October 4 special session at Hutchinson Community College
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court announced two cases it will hear October 4 at Hutchinson Community College, the next destination in the court's ongoing outreach to familiarize Kansans with the high court, its work, and the overall role of the Kansas judiciary.The court will be in session from 6:30 p.m. to about 8 p.m. in the B.J. Warner ...
Judge Burgess of 18th judicial district to sit with Kansas Supreme Court September 14
TOPEKA — Judge Ben Burgess of the 18th judicial district has been appointed to sit with the Kansas Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in one case on the court's 9 a.m. docket Wednesday, September 14.After hearing oral arguments, Burgess will join Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and opinion drafting."I am pleased that ...