September 2015 News Releases

Supreme Court reaffirms order in State of Kansas v. Joseph M. Buser
TOPEKA—Today the Kansas Supreme Court reaffirmed its July 1, 2015, order in this appeal declaring K.S.A. 2014 Supp. 20-3301 unconstitutional. That statute imposes deadlines for all state court decisions. Regarding appeals to the Supreme Court, K.S.A. 2014 Supp. 20-3301(c) directs all counsel to submit a joint request to the Supreme Court once ...
New attorneys take state and federal oaths in September 25 ceremony
TOPEKA — Successful applicants to the July 2015 Kansas bar examination will be sworn in as Kansas attorneys at a 10 a.m. ceremony Friday, September 25, at the Topeka Performing Arts Center, 214 SE 8th Street, Topeka.Chief Justice Lawton Nuss will preside over the Supreme Court and Judge Daniel Crabtree will represent the U.S. District Court ...
Nominating commission seeks candidates for judge vacancy in 2nd judicial district
TOPEKA—The 2nd Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking candidates to fill a judge vacancy in the 2nd judicial district, which includes Jackson, Jefferson, Pottawatomie, and Wabaunsee counties.The vacancy was created by the death of District Court Judge Micheal A. Ireland.Justice Marla Luckert, the Supreme Court departmental justice ...
Supreme Court announces cases for October 13 docket at Garden City High School
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court announced the three cases it will hear October 13 at Garden City High School, its next destination in ongoing outreach to familiarize Kansans with the high court, its work, and the overall role of the Kansas judiciary.It will be the Supreme Court’s first visit to Garden City in the court’s 154-year ...
Kansas Court of Appeals to commemorate Constitution Day with session at KU
LAWRENCE—A three-judge panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals will hear five cases September 22 at the Kansas Union at the University of Kansas as part of the court’s observance of Constitution Day.The court will hear cases at 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 2 p.m. in Alderson Auditorium.Judges Patrick D. McAnany and Michael B. Buser of Overland ...
9th Judicial District Nominating Commission sends judge candidate names to governor
TOPEKA—The 9th Judicial District Nominating Commission sent the names of two candidates for district court judge to Gov. Sam Brownback, who has 60 days to decide who will fill the vacancy created by the August 1 retirement of Chief Judge Richard B. Walker.The two candidates are Harold F. Shorn II and Marilyn M. Wilder.Kansas law requires that ...
Kansas appellate courts make unpublished opinions available online
TOPEKA—Beginning today, the Kansas Supreme Court and Court of Appeals will make unpublished opinions available online, making it possible for the first time for the public to access them using the Internet.Previously, only published opinions from the two courts were posted online. That practice began in 1996 and earned the judicial branch ...
Judge Frederick of 25th judicial district to sit with Kansas Supreme Court September 17
TOPEKA—Judge Robert J. Frederick of the 25th judicial district has been appointed to sit with the Kansas Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in one case on the court’s 9 a.m. docket Thursday, September 17.After hearing oral arguments, Frederick will join Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and opinion drafting.“I am ...
Judge Chambers of Reno County to sit with Kansas Supreme Court September 18
TOPEKA—Judge Timothy J. Chambers of the Reno County District Court has been appointed to sit with the Kansas Supreme Court to hear an attorney discipline case on the court’s 9 a.m. docket Friday, September 18.After hearing the case, Chambers will join Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and opinion drafting.“I am so glad ...
Judge Fowler of 5th judicial district to sit with Kansas Supreme Court September 14
TOPEKA—Judge W. Lee Fowler of the 5th judicial district has been appointed to sit with the Kansas Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in two cases on the court's 9 a.m. docket Monday, September 14.After hearing oral arguments, Fowler will join Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and opinion drafting."I am so glad that ...
Kansas Supreme Court launches eCourt project
TOPEKA—State courts are one step closer in their transition to a centralized electronic court environment with the Supreme Court’s launch of its Kansas eCourt project today.The eCourt project will focus on merging electronic document filing already used in most Kansas courts with a centralized case management system, uniting all court ...