April 2015 News Releases

Shawnee County Judge Wilson to sit with Kansas Supreme Court
TOPEKA—Shawnee County District Court Judge Evelyn Z. Wilson has been appointed to sit with the Supreme Court Monday, May 4, to hear oral arguments in the first case on the court's 9 a.m. docket.After hearing oral arguments, Wilson will join Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and opinion drafting."I'm pleased that Judge ...
New attorneys take state and federal oaths in April 17 ceremony
TOPEKA — Successful applicants to the February 2015 Kansas Bar Examination will be sworn in as Kansas attorneys Friday, April 17, at a 10 a.m. ceremony in the Supreme Court courtroom in the Kansas Judicial Center in Topeka.Chief Justice Lawton Nuss will preside over the Supreme Court and Judge Julie Robinson will represent the U.S. District ...