December 2014 News Releases

8th Judicial District Nominating Commission sends candidate names to governor
TOPEKA—The 8th Judicial District Nominating Commission sent the names of three candidates for district court judge to Gov. Sam Brownback, who has 60 days to decide who will fill the vacancy created by the January 12, 2015, retirement of Judge David R. Platt.The 8th judicial district includes Dickinson, Geary, Marion and Morris counties.The ...
Rene Young new chief judge of 28th judicial district
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Lawton R. Nuss announced today that Rene Young will become chief judge of the 28th judicial district for a two-year period that starts January 1, 2015.“Judge Young is well-respected by court employees and by her fellow judges in her district,” Nuss said. “She and I were lawyers in Salina during the same ...
Access to Justice Committee seeking comment on draft guidelines to restrict filings from abusive litigants
TOPEKA—The Access to Justice Committee has released for comment proposed guidelines for judges to restrict court filings from litigants who repeatedly file frivolous, malicious, or repetitive pleadings.Members of the public and the legal community are encouraged to review the proposed guidelines and provide comment by February 1. The ...
Three candidates to be interviewed for judge vacancy in 8th Judicial District
TOPEKA—The 8th Judicial District Nominating Commission will interview three candidates who applied to fill a judge vacancy created by the January 12, 2015, retirement of District Court Judge David R. Platt.The 8th judicial district includes Dickinson, Geary, Marion and Morris counties.The nominating commission will convene at 9 a.m. Tuesday ...
Reno County Judge McCarville to sit with Kansas Supreme Court
TOPEKA—Reno County District Court Judge Joseph L. McCarville III has been appointed to sit with the Supreme Court Wednesday, December 10, to hear oral arguments in a proceeding relating to judicial conduct.After hearing oral arguments, McCarville will join Supreme Court justices in their deliberations and opinion drafting.“I’m ...
Supreme Court to meet in special session December 5 to swear in Caleb Stegall
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court will meet in special session at 1:30 p.m. Friday, December 5, to swear in the Honorable Caleb Stegall to fill a vacancy created by the departure of Justice Nancy Moritz to serve on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.Chief Justice Lawton R. Nuss will preside at the ceremony.Stegall will be presented to the ...