March 2013 News Releases

Nominees for 9th District district judge vacancy sent to governor
TOPEKA—The 9th Judicial Nominating Commission has sent the following names to the governor for an appointment to succeed Judge Carl B. Anderson: John Klenda and William Mills, both of McPherson, and Marilyn Wilder, Newton.Judge Anderson, 66, had been the longest serving district judge in Kansas at the time of his retirement, which was ...
Court of Appeals judge swearing-in Friday
TOPEKA—26th Judicial District Court Judge Kim R. Schroeder will be sworn in as a judge of the state Court of Appeals at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, March 15, in the Supreme Court Courtroom, it was announced today.Judge Schroeder was appointed by Gov. Sam Brownback to succeed Judge Christel Marquardt of the 13-member court, who retired on January 14, ...