July 2013 News Releases

Chief Judge Wheeler selected to attend national institute
TOPEKA—Chief Judge Merlin Wheeler, Fifth Judicial District, headquartered at Emporia, has been invited to attend the National Governors Association Three Branch Institute on Child Social and Emotional Well-Being in Philadelphia, PA, July 24-26, it was announced in Topeka Friday.Kansas is one of six states invited to send a team representing ...
Applicants sought for district magistrate judge vacancy
TOPEKA—A nominating commission charged with appointing a district magistrate judge in Republic County has issued a request for assistance from the public.The twelve-member commission is responsible for selecting a district magistrate judge to fill the vacancy created by the death of Judge John Eyer.“The nominating commission is ...
New grant will enable court e-filing for 65 percent of state's caseload
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court has been awarded a $205,152 federal grant to continue implementing a statewide electronic court case filing system, Chief Justice Lawton R. Nuss announced today.Called the Federal Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, it was awarded via the Kansas Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. The grant ...