October 2011 News Releases

Commercial wind farm case sent back to district court
Re: Appeal No. 98,487: Roger Zimmerman et al. and A.B. Hudson and Larry French v. Board of County Commissioners of Wabaunsee County, KSTOPEKA—The Supreme Court today remanded a lawsuit challenging a Wabaunsee County ban on all commercial wind farms back to the district court for additional evidence and further proceedings.Friday's remand ...
Court of Appeals to convene in Colby
TOPEKA—A three-judge panel of the state Court of Appeals will convene in Colby, Tuesday, October 18, to hear arguments in eight appeals.The hearing panel includes Judges Stephen D. Hill, G. Joseph Pierron, Jr., and John J. Bukaty, Jr. In addition to the cases argued in Colby, the panel also will decide the outcome of 19 other appeals that ...
Court of Appeals to convene in Kingman
TOPEKA—A three-judge panel of the state Court of Appeals will convene in Kingman Tuesday, October 18, to hear arguments in eight appeals.The hearing panel includes Judges Michael B. Buser, Christel E. Marquardt, and Steve Leben. In addition to the cases argued in Kingman, the panel also will decide the outcome of 17 other appeals that have ...
Court of Appeals to convene in Lawrence
TOPEKA—The appeal of former University of Kansas student Matthew Jaeger, convicted of kidnapping and assaulting his former girlfriend by a Douglas County jury in 2009, will be among 14 cases scheduled for argument to three Kansas Court of Appeals judges on October 18 and 19 at the Douglas County Courthouse.Jaeger received a prison sentence of ...
Osage County district magistrate judge named
TOPEKA—Lyndon Attorney Taylor J. Wine today was appointed Osage County District Magistrate Judge to succeed Judge Jon Stephen Jones, who retired September 30th.Wine was appointed following interviews earlier in the day at the Osage County Courthouse, Lyndon, by the 4th Judicial District Nominating Commission, a volunteer board consisting of ...
Osage County district magistrate judge interviews Tuesday
TOPEKA—The 4th Judicial District Nominating Commission will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday to interview nine applicants to fill a district magistrate judge vacancy in Osage County, it was announced today.Applying for the position, which resulted from the retirement of District Magistrate Judge Jon Stephen Jones, are Darian P. Dernovish, Lawrence ...