March 2011 News Releases

Judicial vacancy in 31st Judicial District
TOPEKA—A nominating commission charged with naming candidates to fill a district judge vacancy in the 31st Judicial District has issued a request for assistance from the public.The 31st Judicial District includes Allen, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson counties.The nine-member commission is responsible for submitting the names of two or three ...
State judicial administrator appointed
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Lawton R. Nuss announced today the Kansas Supreme Court's appointment of Nancy Maydew Dixon, Topeka, as the new state Judicial Administrator, the highest ranking nonjudicial employee in the Kansas court system.She succeeds Dr. Howard Schwartz, whose retirement is effective today."The Court feels very fortunate to ...
Court of Appeals to sit in McPherson
TOPEKA—A three-judge panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals will sit at the McPherson County Courthouse on March 15 and 16 to hear arguments in 14 cases that arose primarily in southcentral and southwest Kansas. The court sessions will begin at 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15, and at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 16.The cases that ...
Court of Appeals to sit in Pittsburg
TOPEKA—A hearing panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals will sit in the Crawford County Judicial Center in Pittsburg March 15 and 16 to hear arguments in 14 area appeals, it was announced in Topeka today.In addition to hearing oral arguments in the appeals, the three judges will participate in a variety of public outreach programs while in ...
Blue Ribbon organizational meeting set March 9
TOPEKA—The Blue Ribbon Commission that will make a comprehensive study of the court system to assist the Supreme Court in finding improvements in the way the courts serve Kansans will conducts its organizational meeting in Topeka March 9.The 24-member Commission's appointments were announced in January by Chief Justice Lawton R. Nuss. The ...
Court of Appeals swearing-in ceremony scheduled
The Court of Appeals will meet in special session Friday at 2 p.m. to swear-in the newest member of that court, Hon. Karen Arnold-Burger, former presiding judge of the Overland Park Municipal Court.Judge Arnold-Burger was appointed to the Court of Appeals by former Gov. Mark Parkinson to fill vacancy created by the retirement of Chief Judge Gary W. ...