September 2008 News Releases

15 apply for 1st Judicial District vacancies
TOPEKA—Fifteen persons have applied for two judge vacancies in the 1st Judicial District, a two county district consisting of Atchison and Leavenworth counties, it was announced in Topeka today.They submitted applications by the noon Thursday deadline to fill either vacancy created by the retirements of Judge Frederick Stewart, Leavenworth ...
Supreme Court Nominating Commission deadline set
TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court Nominating Commission has set October 17, 2008, as the deadline for applying for a vacancy on the Supreme Court that will be created  by the January 12, 2009, retirement of Chief Justice Kay McFarland, it was announced today.Pursuant to Kansas law, Chief Justice McFarland is retiring at the end of her ...
First Judicial District seeks nominees for two vacancies
TOPEKA—Due to the impending retirements of Judge Frederick Stewart, Leavenworth, Philip C. Lacey, Atchison, the First Judicial District Nominating Commission has adjusted its schedule to interview candidates for the positions.The First Judicial District includes Atchison and Leavenworth counties.The commission now is scheduled to convene at 9 ...