November 2008 News Releases

New 18th Judicial District chief judge
TOPEKA—Sedgwick County District Judge James Fleetwood has been appointed chief judge of the 18th Judicial District to succeed Hon. Michael Corrigan, who is retiring at the end of his term January 12th.As a chief judge, Judge Fleetwood will have general management responsibilities in the judicial district, including assigning judicial ...
Five apply for Chase County district magistrate
TOPEKA—Five persons have applied to fill a district magistrate judge vacancy in Chase County that will be created by the December 13, 2008, retirement of Magistrate Judge John R. Conklin.They include Douglas P. Jones, a Cottonwood Falls attorney; Laura Lee Miser, a prosecuting attorney for the City of Emporia; Julie D. Whitney, a Fifth ...
Three nominated for Supreme Court vacancy
TOPEKA—The names of three persons were submitted to Gov. Kathleen Sebelius today to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court that will be created by the January 12 retirement of Chief Justice Kay McFarland.The nominees are Overland Park attorney Dan Biles, Douglas County Chief Judge Robert W. Fairchild and Court of Appeals Judge Tom Malone.  ...
Three nominated for 7th District judicial vacancy
TOPEKA—Three area attorneys today were nominated to fill a district judge vacancy in the 7th Judicial District, a one-county district consisting of Douglas County, that will be created by the January 12, 2009, retirement of Hon. Jack Murphy.The names of Barbara Kay Huff and Sally Davis Pokorny, both Lawrence attorneys engaged in private ...
1st Judicial District forwards judicial nominations
TOPEKA—The First Judicial District Nominating Commission today certified the names of three area attorneys to fill a judge vacancy that was created by the October retirement of Hon. Frederick N. Stewart.Nominees include Gerald R. Kuckelman, Atchison County Attorney; Michael F. Willcott and Danny K. Wiley, who are in private practice in ...