October 2006 News Releases

Nominees sought for judge vacancy in 8th Judicial District
TOPEKA—A nominating commission charged with naming candidates to fill a district judge vacancy in the 8th Judicial District has issued a request for assistance from the public.The 8th Judicial District includes the counties of Dickinson, Geary, Marion and Morris.The nine-member commission is responsible for submitting the names of two or ...
14 apply for Supreme Court vacancy
TOPEKA—The names of 14 persons were submitted by the noon Monday deadline as applicants to fill a vacancy on the Kansas Supreme Court created by the retirement of Justice Donald Allegrucci, effective January 8, 2007.The Supreme Court Nominating Commission will review the applications and conduct interviews November 7-8, with the names of ...
Nominees sought for 3rd Judicial District judge vacancy
TOPEKA—A nominating commission charged with naming candidates to fill a district judge vacancy in the 3rd Judicial District has issued a request for assistance from the public.The 3rd Judicial District is comprised of Shawnee County.The seven-member commission is responsible for submitting the names of two or three nominees to the Governor ...