1999 News Releases

Three named forwarded to fill Court of Appeals vacancy
TOPEKA—The Supreme Court Nominating Commission today nominated three persons to fill a vacancy on the Court of Appeals that was created by the death Sept. 1 of Judge M. Kay Royse.Carol G. Green, clerk of the Supreme Court, delivered the names of Carol Ann Beier, Wichita; Lee Alan Johnson, Caldwell; and Dana Pogue Niceswanger, Lenexa, to the ...
25 apply for Court of Appeals vacancy
TOPEKA—Twenty-five attorneys, including three district judges and one municipal judge, have applied for appointment as a judge of the Court of Appeals to succeed Hon. M. Kay Royse, who died of cancer September 1, 1999.A Supreme Court Nominating Commission consisting of five lawyers and four non-lawyers will narrow the list to three following ...
Applications sought for Court of Appeals vacancy
TOPEKA—The Supreme Court Nominating Commission will be accepting nominations until October 13th to fill a vacancy on the Court of Appeals that was created by the death September 1 of Judge M. Kay Royse.Judge Royse died at a Topeka hospital following an extended battle with cancer. She had been on the Court of Appeals since 1993.Interviews are ...
Dillons Stores honored for encouraging jury service
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Kay McFarland will present the 1999 Juror Employer of the Year Award to the Dillons Stores during a statewide meeting of Kansas judges June 10-11 in Wichita, it was announced in Topeka today.The Dillons Stores, whose corporate headquarters is in Hutchinson, was nominated for the award by a committee of trial judges who ...
Kansas Justice Commission releases report
TOPEKA—The Kansas Justice Commission, a 46-member citizen panel appointed by each of the three branches of government, today released a preliminary draft of its report and recommendations for improving the state court system.In June 1997, the commission, which is co-chaired by former Gov. Robert F. Bennett and Wichita businesswoman Jill ...
Supreme Court rules on counselor-patient privilege
TOPEKA—Saying the question is simple, but the answer complex, the Supreme Court today unanimously ruled there is no counselor-patient privilege in a murder prosecution unless the counselor is licensed, even though the defendant may have reasonably believed the counselor was licensed.The decision, which was written for the court by Justice Bob ...
Judicial qualifications commission expanded
TOPEKA—The Commission on Judicial Qualifications, an advisory board charged with investigating ethical complaints against the state's judges, has been expanded from nine members to 14, under a Supreme Court order released today.Justice Fred N. Six, liaison between the commission and the Supreme Court, said the board is being expanded to ...