1997 News Releases

Hazlett to head attorney discipline office
TOPEKA—The Supreme Court today announced the appointment of Stanton A. Hazlett as state disciplinary administrator, the official in charge of investigations relating to possible ethical violations by Kansas attorneys.Hazlett, 46, Lawrence, has been acting disciplinary administrator since April when Mark Anderson, his predecessor, died in ...
Commission to study court system
TOPEKA—Chief Justice Kay McFarland today announced the formation of a commission that will undertake the first "stem to stern" study of the Kansas court system since 1974, when several major court reforms were initiated, including court unification, the re-establishment of the Court of Appeals, and changes in the way district court ...
Supreme Court rules on engagement ring case
TOPEKA—Ordinarily, a wedding engagement ring is not for keeps if the marriage is called off, the Supreme Court ruled in a split decision released today.The court voted 5-2 that the ring should be returned under ordinary circumstances, but three members of the majority said there may be "extremely gross and rare situations" where ...
Court of Appeals to hear arguments in Capitol
TOPEKA—A hearing panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals will meet in the former Supreme Court courtroom in the State Capitol next Tuesday to hear oral arguments in nine cases on appeal and draw attention to what court officials describe as a backlog at near crisis proportions.Chief Judge J. Patrick Brazil, of the Court of Appeals, said the ...
Supreme Court rules on KPERS investments
RE: Appeal No. 76,524: Kansas Public Employees Retirement System v. Reimer & Koger Associates Inc. et al.TOPEKA—The Supreme Court today ruled that the recovery of millions of dollars worth of lost investments by the state's public employee retirement system is not barred by a statute of limitations.The Court, in a unanimous decision ...