Kansas Appellate Case Inquiry System
The Appellate Case Inquiry System is offline from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., Monday through Friday, for maintenance.
Search appellate cases
About case inquiry
The Appellate Case Inquiry System contains the register of actions for cases pending before the Kansas Supreme Court and the Kansas Court of Appeals. The register of actions reflects actions taken by litigants or the courts in real time.
Searching cases
You may search by name, appellate case number, or county from which a case is appealed. The case name field has a 30-character limit. You may use both numbers and letters in the name field.
If you enter the name "Smith," your query will retrieve data for records that contain the word "Smith" anywhere in the 700-character case caption field. If you enter a search phrase, the phrase must be found somewhere within the file exactly as it is entered. If you enter "Richard E. Smith," records for "Richard Smith" will not be retrieved. Likewise, "Richard Smith" will not retrieve "Richard E. Smith."
Capitalization will not affect the search.
If the case involves a juvenile, it likely is filed using the juvenile's initials.
You must know the exact case name in order to search the case.
To search by county, select the county name from the dropdown menu. You may search only by county, or you can include the county with a name search. You may search by case number, case name, or county, or a combination of case name with county. You should not include a county when searching by case number.
The earliest entry in the system is case number 64648, filed in January 1990.
Frequently used abbreviations
ADO―appellate defender
CC/CERT OF COMP (C OF C)―certificate of completion
CSR―certified shorthand reporter
DC―district court
EOT―extension of time
OOT―out of time
PET REV―petition for review
SCNOA―Summary Calendar No Oral Argument
X―cross TR.―transcriptionist
X-PET FOR REV―cross-petition for review