Release Date
Supreme Court
- CategoryAttorney Discipline
No. 108,207
In the Matter of CHRISTOPHER Y. MEEK,
On December 7, 2012, this court suspended the respondent Christopher Y. Meek,
from the practice of law in Kansas for a period of 40 months. See In re Meek, 295 Kan.
1160, 289 P.3d 95 (2012). Additionally, the court provided that after 12 months of
suspension, the court would stay the remaining 28 months of suspension and place
respondent on probation. Also in its December 7, 2012, opinion the court ordered that
respondent comply with Supreme Court Rule 218 (2013 Kan. Ct. R. Annot. 406) and
respondent pay the costs of the proceedings.
On December 9, 2013, the respondent filed a petition with this court for
reinstatement to the practice of law in Kansas. In the petition, respondent confirmed that
he has complied with Supreme Court Rule 218 and paid the costs of the proceedings.
The court, after carefully considering the record, grants the respondent's petition
for reinstatement, under the following terms and conditions of probation:
Abstinence. The respondent will remain abstinent from alcohol and
all other mind-altering drugs, except medications prescribed by a medical
doctor. In the event the respondent is prescribed a mind-altering drug by a
medical doctor, the respondent will immediately inform the Executive
Director of the Kansas Lawyers Assistant Program (KALAP), the KALAP
monitor, and the Disciplinary Administrator. The respondent will execute
appropriate releases so that the medical doctor may discuss the prescription
of the medication with the Executive Director of KALAP, the KALAP
monitor, and the Disciplinary Administrator. Beginning immediately, the
respondent will provide the Disciplinary Administrator with a report
regarding his compliance with this term of probation.
Aftercare. Previous to this suspension, the respondent completed
inpatient treatment with Valley Hope in Atchison, Kansas. Upon release
from inpatient treatment, the treatment facility recommended that the
respondent participate in aftercare. The respondent will execute appropriate
releases so that Valley Hope may provide information to the Executive
Director of KALAP, the KALAP monitor, and the Disciplinary
Administrator. The respondent will continue participating in aftercare
pursuant to the discharge recommendations. Beginning immediately, the
respondent will provide quarterly reports to the Disciplinary Administrator
regarding his compliance with the aftercare program recommended by
Valley Hope.
Alcohol and Drug Evaluation. As a condition of the respondent's
federal criminal probation, the respondent submitted to an alcohol and drug
evaluation. Within 14 days of this order, the respondent will execute
appropriate releases so that the Executive Director of KALAP, the KALAP
monitor, and the Disciplinary Administrator may receive a copy of the
report of the alcohol and drug evaluation. After the appropriate releases
have been executed and within 30 days of the date of this order, the
respondent will provide the Executive Director of KALAP, the KALAP
monitor, and the Disciplinary Administrator with a copy of the alcohol and
drug evaluation. Further, the respondent will comply with all
recommendations contained in the report for treatment, aftercare, meetings,
and relapse prevention, as well as recommendations that may arise during
the treatment, aftercare, meetings, and relapse prevention. If the respondent
fails to comply with the recommendations contained in the report or as may
arise during the treatment, aftercare, meetings, or relapse prevention, the
respondent will immediately report his lack of compliance to the
Disciplinary Administrator. Beginning immediately, the respondent will
provide quarterly reports to the Disciplinary Administrator regarding his
compliance with the recommendations contained in the report of the
alcohol and drug evaluation.
Substance Abuse Monitoring Contract. On March 7, 2011, the
respondent entered into a Substance Abuse Monitoring Contract. Within 14
days of the date of this order, the respondent will execute appropriate
releases so that the Executive Director of KALAP, other KALAP staff, and
the KALAP monitor may discuss the respondent's compliance with the
contract with the Disciplinary Administrator. The respondent will comply
with each and every term of the Substance Abuse Monitoring Contract. If
the respondent fails to comply with the terms of the Substance Abuse
Monitoring Contract, the Executive Director of KALAP, other KALAP
staff, and the KALAP monitor will immediately report the respondent's
lack of compliance with the Disciplinary Administrator. If the respondent
fails to comply with the terms of the Substance Abuse Monitoring Contract,
the respondent will immediately report his lack of compliance to the
Disciplinary Administrator. Beginning immediately, the KALAP monitor
and the respondent will provide quarterly reports to the Disciplinary
Administrator including current information regarding the respondent's
compliance with each and every term of the Substance Abuse Monitoring
Federal Probation. At the time the hearing panel issued its final
hearing report, the respondent was on federal criminal probation. If the
respondent has been discharged from probation, he will immediately
provide documentary support of his release from federal criminal probation
to the Disciplinary Administrator. If the respondent remains on federal
criminal probation, beginning immediately, he will provide the Disciplinary
Administrator with quarterly reports regarding his status on federal criminal
probation. If the respondent violates the terms and conditions of the federal
criminal probation, he will immediately report the violation to the
Disciplinary Administrator. In the event the respondent is released from
federal probation, he will provide a final report regarding his federal
probation, with documentary support of his release from federal probation.
Random Drug Screens. Currently, the Executive Director of
KALAP, the KALAP monitor, and the federal probation officer require the
respondent to submit to random drug screens. Within 14 days of the date of
this order, the respondent will provide the Disciplinary Administrator with
a copy of each and every drug screen test results since September 1, 2009,
requested by the federal probation officer, the Executive Director of
KALAP, and KALAP monitor. The respondent will comply with any and
all requests made by the Director of KALAP, the KALAP monitor, and the
federal probation officer. In addition, the Disciplinary Administrator may
require the respondent to submit to random drug screens at a drug testing
center selected by the Disciplinary Administrator. The respondent will be
responsible for all costs associated with the random drug screens. If the
Disciplinary Administrator directs the respondent to appear at a specific
drug testing center for a random drug screen, he will appear at the drug
testing center within 8 hours.
Continued Cooperation. The respondent will continue to cooperate
with the Disciplinary Administrator. If the Disciplinary Administrator
requests any additional information, the respondent will timely provide
such information.
Additional Violations. The respondent will not violate the terms of
his probation or the provisions of the Kansas Rules of Professional
Conduct. In the event that the respondent violates any of the terms of
probation or any of the provisions of the Kansas Rules of Professional
Conduct at any time during the probationary period, the respondent will
immediately report such violation to the KALAP monitor and the
Disciplinary Administrator. The Disciplinary Administrator will take
immediate action directing the respondent to show cause why the probation
should not be revoked.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the respondent be reinstated to the practice
of law in Kansas conditioned upon his compliance with the annual continuing legal
education requirements and upon his payment of all fees required by the Clerk of the
Appellate Courts and the Kansas Continuing Legal Education Commission and subject to
the terms and conditions of probation as detailed above. When the respondent has
complied with the annual continuing legal education requirements and has paid the fees
required by the Clerk of the Appellate Courts and the Kansas Continuing Legal
Education Commission, the Clerk is directed to enter the respondent's name upon the
roster of attorneys engaged in the practice of law in Kansas.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this order of reinstatement of Christopher Y.
Meek shall be published in the official Kansas Reports, and the costs herein are assessed
to the respondent.
Dated this 7th day of January, 2014.